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  • Hot Water Dispenser For Home Winter Flu Fix

    April 10, 2022 3 min read

    Hot Water Dispenser For Home Winter Flu Fix

    Now that we are in the middle of winter and it is much colder than summer a lot of us will inevitably contract cold and flu symptoms.  Some of those symptoms will be a stuffy nose, runny nose, swollen eyes, coughing, sore throat to name but a few of the winter flu symptoms.  If you don’t want to take so much medicine from the doctor one natural remedy is your hot water dispenser for home.

    Hot Water Dispenser

    Hot Water Dispenser For Home Winter Flu Fix

    Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water

    If you are seeking a remedy to keep your cold symptoms away you can use your hot and cold water cooler dispenser to keep you hydrated.  If you are not quite the two litres a day water consumer now is the time to drink more water.  Your increased water intake will assist you in your fight to beat the cold and flu symptoms.  With every flu one of the symptoms is dehydration.  Our hot and cold water cooler dispenser allows you to consume as much filtered water hot or cold as you need to be hydrated.  If you are dehydrated while dealing with cold and flu symptoms this can make your symptoms even worse and uncomfortable.  As a result of being dehydrated you might get nausea and tiredness on top of the pre existing symptoms you are dealing with.

    Drink Tea to Combat Cold and Flu Symptoms

    If you are already in the grip of a bad cold or flu you have probably already seen your local doctor for medicine.  You can also utilize your hot water dispenser for home for a nice hot cup of tea.  A nice hot cup of tea is known to assist in relieving a sore throat.  You can get your hot water from your hot water dispenser for home.  You can make a special cup of tea to treat your cold and flu symptoms.  One of the most effective cups of tea is to make a cup of hot tea with honey from your water dispenser.  Another type of tea your can make is when you infuse the water with vitamin C which will greatly assist you in your fight against a cold or flu.  Another type of hot tea would be to infuse ginger and turmeric or honey and lemon juice all with the water from your hot water dispenser for home or office.

    Don’t forget that the best cups of tea are not with boiling water rather with using hot water approximately at 85 C.  If your water is to hot you will damage the healing properties of what you are infusing into the water from your hot and cold water dispenser for home or office.

    If you are seeking a water cooler solution by having a cooler in your office or home call our team, we are here to help.  We can help you choose one of our hot water dispenser for home or office use from our huge range of water coolers and water dispensers.  Awesome Water Filters have many years of experience in the hot and cold water dispenser and hot and cold water cooler market.

    For your Hot Water Dispenser For Home needs call 1800 789 781