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benchtop water purifier
  • Is Demineralised Water The Same As Distilled Water?

    September 10, 2021 4 min read

    Is Demineralised Water The Same As Distilled Water

    When you analyze the various qualities of water, things might get difficult. Distilled and deionized water are two examples. It’s crucial to pay attention to water classification since it can reveal substantial disparities in how to use itand even whether or not it’s safe to drink. In this article, we’ll answer the question: is demineralized water the same as distilled water?

    Demineralized Water

    Demineralized water (also known as purified water) has had its minerals removed, as the name implies. It extracts calcium, sulfate, chloride, magnesium, and sodium using electro-deionization, ion exchange, or membrane filtration. These procedures target magnetically charged ions, leaving bacteria, viruses, and other physical pollutants behind as part of the purification process.

    There are a variety of applications that necessitate the use of demineralized water to avoid mineral harm. Laboratory work, automobile systems, pharmaceutical manufacture, electronics, and domestic appliances such as steam irons are just a few examples.

    Humans should not consume demineralized water. Although the water itself is harmless, the minerals contained in distilled or other types of drinking water are essential nutrients for our health.


    Demineralized water is commonly popular in the industrial sector to safeguard machinery, but you can also use it at home.

    Here are a few examples of applications:

    • Metal-cutting machines
    • Fire Extinguisher
    • Carwash
    • Uses in medicine or cosmetics
    • Aquarium

    Distilled Water

    Distilled water starts by boiling water into steam and condensing it back into liquid. This technique removes minerals from water in the same way as demineralized water does. Still, it also eliminates molecules like viruses, bacteria, and other contaminants because it doesn’t target magnetically charged ions. As a result, while distilled water is purer than demineralized water, humans should still avoid it due to its lack of important nutrients.

    The lack of minerals in distilled water, like that of demineralized water, makes it beneficial in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, electronics, food, and beverage processing, power, and many more.

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    • In the medical industry, you can use distilled water to reduce bacteria in hospitals and clinics.
    • If you want to reduce scale formation and extend the life of your steam plant, use distilled water.
    • Because the distilled water is similar to rainwater, your plants will appreciate it.
    • Humans and newborns can both drink distilled water. However, get guidance before selecting a water type; I’m not a doctor, but I read that all of them are unsafe to drink.
    • Distilled water ice cubes appear to be transparent; you can test this to wow your friends.

    Is Demineralized Water The Same As Distilled Water?

    So, what’s the difference between demineralized and distilled water? Even though they are both purified water kinds that are very similar, the answer is no.

    The elements left over after purification are the fundamental differences between distilled and demineralized water. The process of making distilled water starts by boiling and condensing the water to remove minerals and other contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, and organic matter. It commonly uses ion-based methods to produce demineralized water, which eliminates minerals but leaves other pollutants behind.

    Distilled water is purer due to the varied techniques utilized for each form of water. For delicate applications such as laboratory work or pharmaceutical development, many water makers use various procedures to create the purest available water.

    Key Differences

    Distilled and demineralized water goes through distinct purification procedures, and so provide different results. Demineralized water removes minerals, leaving only H2O. The issue with demineralization is that it does not remove bacteria or viruses in the same way that distillation does. Distillation is a highly effective method for removing pollutants, removing 99.9% of them.

    Simply put, demineralization does not remove suspended particles, organic compounds, germs, viruses, or physical contaminants as effectively as distillation does. Distillation is a far more efficient method of water purification.

    Many manufacturers now put the water through both purification procedures to ensure that you get the purest water available. The reason for this is that the demineralization procedure removes any trace elements that escaped the distillation process.

    Is It Safe To Drink Distilled Water?

    Although distilled water is safe to drink, the distillation process removes many of the naturally existing and beneficial minerals from water, so drinking it daily may cause more harm than benefit in the long run.

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    Is It Safe To Drink Demineralised Water?

    While reverse osmosis or distillation can generate demineralized water as close to pure, molecular H2O as possible, most medical specialists agree that it is neither natural nor healthy, and the benefits often exceed the drawbacks. It’s worth noting that current drinking water laws focus on guaranteeing safe drinking water by removing or reducing hazardous substances. There are no laws to ensure safe drinking water in terms of the minerals that are left in the water that we drink.

    Here’s what the World Health Organization has to say about drinking this type of water:

    There is now enough evidence to confirm the negative health effects of consuming calcium or magnesium-deficient water. Many studies have linked increased water magnesium levels to a lower risk of CVD, particularly sudden mortality from the disease (CVD). This association has been independently described in epidemiological research using various study designs, conducted in multiple places, with populations, and multiple times.

    In addition to an increased risk of sudden death, some believe that low-magnesium water consumption links to an increased risk of motor neuron disease, pregnancy abnormalities (so-called preeclampsia), infant death, and some types of cancer.

    Recent research suggests that soft drinking water, or water lacking in calcium, is linked to an increased risk of fracture in children and certain cardiovascular illnesses, neurological, low birth weight, preterm birth, and cancer.


    Is demineralised water the same as distilled water? NO. The main variations between the two are the purification methods, which cause inconsistencies. It would help if you did not substitute it for the other.